SIA “Rīgas mikroautobusu satiksme” (RMS) has decided to fully stop all the traffic of minibuses and express buses on the routes operated by the company in Riga city from April 2 and until the state of emergency is cancelled in the country.
In order to limit the spreading of COVID-19 in the country, and also in public transport, several restriction and safety measures have been put in place. Several routes and runs operated by RMS were closed from March 21, and some routes were switched over to holiday schedules. In addition, on March 26 the Republic of Latvia Ministry of Transport issued ruling No. 01-03/79 “On Social Distancing and Safety Measures in Public Transport”, which states that carriers shall limit the use of minibuses for passenger transportation as much as possible to meet the social distancing requirements.
The company carries passengers only with minibuses and express buses, yet the ruling of the Ministry of Transport orders to limit the use of such vehicles. In addition, in recent days our employees have signalled that passengers in minibuses do not abide by the social distancing requirements. Given all the above, RMS concludes that it can ensure the fulfilment of the above ruling only by stopping the delivery of the public transportation service and closing all of its routes until the state of emergency is cancelled.
Therefore, minibuses and express buses No. 203, 204, 209, 214, 233, 263, 271, 300, which have run according to holiday schedules so far, stop running as of April 2. These changes will be effective until the emergency situation is cancelled in Latvia. A part of our drivers is now on holiday and will be idle after that. This procedure will apply to other employees as well. RMS presents its apologies to passengers for these inconveniences and hopes that the situation with COVID-19 in Latvia will improve and we will be able to resume the traffic of minibuses and express buses on all the routes.
About SIA “Rīgas mikroautobusu satiksme”
SIA “Rīgas mikroautobusu satiksme” (RMS) was founded on October 24, 2012. The company provides passenger transportation service in Riga on 18 day routes and night 8 night routes with modern and comfortable minibuses and express buses.