Dear parents, children! The schools in the capital for grades 1, 5, 9 and 11 started working on January 18.
The administration of educational institutions and the city department of education have taken all possible measures to ensure sanitary standards in the conditions of the coronavirus pandemic.
Unfortunately, in two schools during mandatory inspections, children with COVID-19 were identified. As it turned out, there were cases of coronavirus infection in these two families.
Thankfully, all necessary security measures have been taken and the situation in these schools is under control.
Dear Parents! If there have been or are currently being observed cases of coronavirus infection in your families, please take PCR tests and make sure that your child is not a carrier of the virus. Be sure to inform the school administration, your class teacher. And only after all the checks and tests, send your child to school.
We understand how difficult the situation is for you, dear Bishkek residents, but we ask you do not forget that the health and lives of teachers, other students, their families and friends depend on your responsible position.
It should be noted that now, according to the algorithm to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection, the entire class in which these children studied will be sent to online education and will be under medical supervision for two weeks. And the teachers who taught them the lessons will be sent for PCR tests.