On the recommendation of the head of the Center for State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance (CSSES), the chief sanitary doctor of Bishkek Kuban Kundashev, the first quarter of study in the capital’s schools for students of 1-6 grades continues online.
The Education Department of the Bishkek City Administration listens to the recommendations of epidemiologists and doctors, we will monitor the epidemiological situation in the capital. But we are ready to start training in real time at any moment.
Unfortunately, 439 children with ARVI were registered in Bishkek in September from 7 to 16 years old, and 425 in the first two weeks of October, while there were 33 cases of coronavirus infection from 7 to 16 years old, of which 22 cases were registered from 7 to 13 years. Children receive treatment according to the algorithms of the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Nevertheless, the buildings and adjacent areas of schools were disinfected, each head is familiarized with the algorithm of actions to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection when the activities of general educational organizations of the Kyrgyz Republic are resumed.
According to the algorithms, each school has an input filter, a mask mode, each professor and class teacher is obliged to provide an air mode, and will also keep a health journal for each child.
Note that, according to the WHO recommendations, if the number of students with respiratory viral infections will be more than 20%, the educational process should be immediately discontinued.
Dear parents and grandparents! Please tell the children about sanitation and distance. Be a great example to them. Take care of yourself and your loved ones! The pandemic will surely subside and life will improve.
Bishkek – our beloved city for Children!