At its meeting dated July 29, the Cabinet discussed and approved terms and arrangement for re-opening of all levels of educational institutions. Due to COVID-19 outbreak, Mongolia’s schools and kindergartens since January 24, and universities, higher education institutions and vocational schools since January 26 have been closed countywide.
At the State Emergency Commission’s meeting convened yesterday, July 28, the Commission members discussed whether to restart operations of all levels of educational institutions for the upcoming academic year beginning from September 1, and gave a directive to re-develop some arrangements for reopening the institutions.
According to the directive, a working team in charge has re-formulated the plan for school reopening, which was confirmed by the government following the Cabinet’s meeting today, July 29.
As decided by the Cabinet, classes will be given in a combination of a physical classroom learning and online lessons and online classes of all levels of educational institutions will begin from September 1.
In-person classes at
– kindergartens and general education schools to restart on September 1, Tuesday
– vocational and industrial training centers to restart on September 14, Monday
– universities, colleges and higher education institutions to restart on October 5, Monday.
By doing so, students of schools in rural areas will take part in offline courses, while schools in capitals of 21 aimags and Ulaanbaatar city will organize classroom training for three days a week and TV and online classes for the remaining two days of a week. School classes will be limited up to 4-6 hours per day, with each period extending around 35-40 minutes.
Based on the guidelines given by the Ministry of Health, no more than 20 students are allowed in each classroom at all levels of educational institutions.
Depending on the capacity of kindergartens, only 60 percent of the children aged 3-4 years old will be involved in kindergartens, while all children aged 5 years old will go to kindergartens as 6 years old is a school starting age in Mongolia. However, it was resolved that the kindergartens will not receive 2-year old children for school year of 2020-2021 and TV classes will be provided to those children, who will not be able to attend kindergarten.
The decision will be followed until October 1, and will be modified in regard to the COVID-19 situation at that time.
At the Cabinet meeting, it was also decided that hand soaps, sanitizers and medical thermometers will be provided with a view to comply with safety and health rules and regulations at the educational institutions.
As incidence rate of influenza-like illnesses is likely to increase, Prime Minister U.Khurelsukh gave a directive to corresponding Ministers to ensure preparations by taking into consideration the expected date of school holiday from December 1, 2020 to February 15, 2021.
Ulaanbaatar /29 July 2020/
source: www.montsame.mn