Tehran, A City for All
Table of Contents
Structure of Work Groups in Tehran Municipality
Information Work Group……………………………………..
Environmental Health and Waste Disposal Work Group…….
Pictorial Report………………………………………………..
Education, Culture Building and Public Participation Work Group
Supply and Distribution of Foodstuffs Work Group………….
Budget, Logistics and Human Resources Work Group……………..
Crisis Management Organization Work Group……………………..
Due to the outbreak of the Corona virus in Tehran, a coordination meeting was held between urban management officials in order to deal with the crisis efficiently and in the best possible way and to protect the lives of the citizens, Subsequently, in order to organize and avoid parallel work and to focus on the unity of procedure, the Tehran City Crisis Prevention and Management Organization was assigned to be in charge of coordinating and directing all matters related to the Corona virus in Tehran Municipality. Following the appointment of Dr. Karami Mohammadi as a member of the Corona Disease Management Command by Dr. Alireza Zali, the Chief of Corona Disease Operations Command in Tehran Metropolis the following executive measures were anticipated:
** Step One: Setting up a Center at the Municipality of Tehran to fight against the Coronavirus (COVID 19)
** Step Two: Holding face-to-face meetings with work groups and making the necessary decisions to contain the crisis
** Step Three: Form a group in social networks for work groups to speed up actions and coordination
** Step Four: Requiring work groups to hold internal meetings for coordination (at least one meeting per week in coordination with and presence of Tehran Crisis Management Organization
** Step 5: Hold two sessions per week (not in person) with the chairpersons of the work groups and the head of the municipal inspection agency to monitor the progress of the work group notifications.
** Step Six: Forming a Supervisory Group Using 12,000 local volunteers
In addition, the following general tasks were assigned to the Tehran Crisis Management Organization:
- Action should be taken for the creation of a specialized task force in proportionate to the needs of the relevant affairs, direction and necessary coordination with the inter-organizational units and agencies outside the Municipality.
- Action should be taken for establishment of information, education and prevention system.
C: Action should be taken in coordination and cooperation with all the departments and units covered by the Municipality to provide the necessary training in this respect.
Formation of Specialized Work Groups
Following the emergency sessions of the technical and executive task force in fighting contagious diseases held on Feb. 22 and 25 2020; and considering the task of setting up specialized work groups at the headquarters to fight the Corona disease, Tehran City Crisis Prevention and Management Organization set up five work groups in this field.
In view of the duties of specialized work groups at the Headquarters to Fight Corona Disease Tehran City Corona Prevention and Management Organization formed five work groups namely Information; Environmental Health and Waste Disposal; Education, Culture Building and Public Participation; Supply and Distribution of Foodstuff; and Budget, Logistics and Human Resources.
The heads of the five work groups meet online on Sundays and Tuesdays every week, with the head of the Tehran City Crisis Prevention and Management Organization, as the person in charge of coordinating and managing the issues related to the Corona virus.
Regarding the direct relationship between the Corona disease and the health of the citizens and the importance of further follow-up, it was decided that the representative of the Health Directorate General Dr. Nasiri, as well as the representative of Healthy City Dr. Sharifi be stationed at the Tehran City Crisis Prevention and Management Organization and become members of all specialized work groups.
Structure of Fighting Coronavirus at the Municipality of Tehran
Municipality of Tehran
In-Charge of coordination and command of Corona virus issues
(Tehran City Crisis Prevention and Management Organization)
Information Dissemination
(Center for Communications and International Affairs + Beautification Organization + Health Directorate General + 137 (Hotline) + ICT ++ TV Channel 5 + Hamshahri Institute + 1888 Hotline, Directorate General of Education and Citizenship, Directorate General of Planning and Training)
Environmental Health and Waste Disposal
(Metro + Bus + Taxi + Terminal + Square + Citizen + Logistics Directorate General + Waste + Beheshte Zahra Cemetery+ Fire Department + Industries & Jobs Settlement Organization)
Education, Culture and Public Participation
(Communication Center + Health Directorate General + Neighborhood Management Headquarters + NGOs Headquarters + Council Support Staff + ICT)
Supply and Distribution of Foodstuffs
(Citizen + Square + General Support Office + ICT + Healthy City + Taxation + Retirement)
Budget, Logistics & Human Resources
(Directorate General of Budget + Directorate General of Logistics + Directorate General of Human Resources+ Budget Commission of Tehran Islamic City Council)
Work Groups Chair
Center for Communication and International Affairs
Deputy for Urban Services
Deputy for Social and Cultural Affairs
Shahrvand Company
Directorate General of Planning and Budget
Measures Taken by Tehran Municipality to Combat Coronavirus
Applying for a certificate of completion of apartment building
By visiting www.my.Tehran.ir website you can automatically register your application for a certificate of completion of apartment building and all types of permits and building certificates.
More than 300 neighborhood houses offer educational and health services
Five specialized committees set up at the Municipality to combat the Corona disease
Distribution of 4500 sanitary package in 22 shelters of Tehran for the homeless; Taking caring of 4,000 socially harmed people
Some 20,000 forces trained to offer urban services and disinfect Tehran daily
Fire Department disinfects 180 points on a daily basis
Tehran and providing related services
180 disinfected daily posts from Tehran by fire department
250 stores offer health care services and services Shahrvand chain stores and fruits and vegetable markets
Daily disinfection of 5000 buses
2000 tons of landfill increase in total city infectious and non-infectious waste
Daily disinfection of fuel stations
Prevent waste segregation
Financing Corona fighting services
Allocation of 4% to the Municipality
Increase in number of Shahrvand Stores offering 24/7 services
Disinfection of 1500 metro wagons daily
Daily disinfection of 60,000 taxis directly or indirectly
Closure of 1442 places
Closure of 500 cultural sites in Tehran
Closure of 900 sports venues in Tehran
Closure of 42 seasonal markets in downtown Tehran
100 thousand square meters screened
Urban advertising for public education
200 fire fighters armed with all types of light and heavy equipment
15,000 trained municipal personnel to fight the Corona virus
500 posters, educational clips, banners and educational reports produced for citizens
432 video conferencing, holding online meetings to reduce traffic
50 niches for crisis management to support the country’s health system
Direct Line: Launching direct line 137-6 for Corona reports
Survey: ussd = 137 * 7 for citizen opinion various sectors
Information Work Group
Beautification Organization
Iranians began the concluding month of the Calendar year 1398 (March 2019/20) with the tragic news of the outbreak of the Corona virus in our country. As a result, all the relevant agencies, with a strong sense of responsibility, made every effort to realize the theme “We will defeat Corona”.
From the very first hours of the official announcement of the outbreak, Tehran Beautification Organization began its round the clock efforts by screening numerous and broad cultural and health plans inspired by the World Health Organization reports and approved by the Tehran Municipality Directorate General of Health. These efforts centered on teaching citizens how to take care of themselves and how to maximize citizens’ participation in cutting the Corona virus transmission ring. The environmental screenings of Tehran Beautification Organization have taken place in four stages.
At the first stage, by wide-scale screening of the cultural and health plans inspired by the World Health Organization reports and approved by the Tehran Municipality’s Directorate General of Health the organization started raising the people’s awareness about the ways of virus transmission and prevention and disease symptoms.
In the second phase, cultural and informative approaches were re-screened widely with the approval of the Ministry of Health and Medical Education.
In the third phase, Tehran Beautification Organization, with the aim of appreciating the efforts of doctors, nurses and medical staff, screened the project “Iran Appreciates Your Efforts” in front of 33 hospitals actively involved in the case.
At the fourth stage, considering the arrival of the New Year and the likelihood of journeys by the citizens which would help spread of the virus cultural projects centered on strictly advising people to stay home and refrain from taking vacation journeys in order to cut off the virus transmission ring. Over a period of 20 days that the cultural plans were on show to inform people how to prevent infection by the Coronavirus, more than 45000 square meters of screening occurred in 4727 cultural, commercial, urban and regional structures.
- Release of environmental plans to prevent outbreak of Corona virus in Tehran and virtual networks
- Release of graphic designs and animations through urban TV channels and virtual networks
- Screening of “Iran Appreciates Your Efforts” plans and videos in front of hospitals admitting patients affected by Corona virus as well as virtual networks
- Recommendations for observing the personal health of personnel through displays based in the organization
- Installing disinfectants on all floors of the organization
- Stationing the organization’s secretariat on the ground floor to respond to requests from clients and prevent the entry of unauthorized persons into the organization
- Distribution of filtered masks among organization staff
- Disinfect all organizational floors and units including handles, toilets, office supplies and …
- Install the telephone on the ground floor of the organization for easy contact with the personnel
- Allocating 1221 advertising, cultural and commercial structures of the city to the issue of Corona virus.
- Allocating portable, mobile and billboard structures to the Corona virus issue with the approval of the Directorate General of Health
- Install hand disinfectants on all floors of the building and require all personnel to disinfect their hands.
- Banning food supply by the organization’s restaurant until further notice
- Compulsory daily sick leave for staff with cold as well as influenza patients, etc.
- Preparation and distribution of latex gloves for all personnel (daily)
- Distribution of alcohol pads to disinfect all keyboards, mouse, telephone, etc. twice a day
- Disinfection of all utensils, sanitary ware etc.
- Providing and distributing masks to all personnel (daily) and to visitors
- Planning to make the most of the organization’s available facilities for public awareness on the Corona virus
- Screening of cultural projects called “Iran Appreciates Your Efforts”
in front of hospital admitting patients affected by the Coronavirus to appreciation the hard working nurses, doctors, etc.
- Screening of cultural projects dedicated to the prevention of the Corona virus on city monitors in Tehran