In the meeting room of the capital city hall, acting Mayor of Bishkek Balbak Tulobaev met with entrepreneurs and representatives of the restaurant business.
They discussed the epidemiological situation in the capital and possible algorithms for the safe operation of catering outlets, cafes, restaurants and banquet halls.
Let recall that the activities of any restaurants and other entertainment establishments are still prohibited, since a large crowd of people is still dangerous for the people.
The State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Center reported that as of November 11, the number of registered cases of COVID-19 and pneumonia was 21.810 cases. The epidemiological situation remains tense; no significant improvement has yet been observed. For the time being, citizens should strictly observe sanitary rules: wear masks, sanitize hands, keep the distance and avoid mass events.
The chairman of the association of banquet restaurants and eventors, Muratbek Arystanov, admitted that entrepreneurs have large debts to banks, and their taxes need to be paid. He proposed a creating a working group to check banquet halls, which are about 156 of them in the country.
The acting Mayor Balbak Tulobaev supported the proposal of businessmen. He noted that the municipality is ready to help the restaurant business if they take a responsible approach in organizing a safe work.
Tulobaev instructed to create a working group, and within 10 days to check the working conditions of the banquet halls. Vice Mayor for Social Affairs Aizhan Chynybaeva was appointed as the chairman of this group. The team members will be businessmen, restaurateurs, representatives of regional akimiats, sanitary and ecological inspection (SEI), DDIA,CSSES and independent experts.
«First of all, it is necessary to update the restaurant operation algorithm: mandatory input filters, constant monitoring of staff health, PCR testing, division of premises into zones, etc. We need to learn how to live in a pandemic and save the city’s economy», – said B. Tulobaev.
Dear citizens! Please take care of yourself and your loved ones!
Bishkek – our beloved healthy city!