★Protect Yourself
???? Keep Your Hands Clean
1. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth. Wash your hands often with soap and
water. Use alcohol-based hand sanitizers when soap and water are not readily
2. Wash your hands immediately after coughing/sneezing/using the
restroom/coming into contact with respiratory secretions, excretions or other
bodily fluids.
3. Clean your hands with soap and water or hand sanitizer after you touch elevator
buttons or doorknobs.
???? Please Practice Respiratory Hygiene/Coughing Etiquette
1. Wear a surgical mask when having respiratory symptoms such as coughing.
Change masks and dispose them in a trash can immediately when masks getting
2. Cover your mouth and nose with tissue or handkerchief when sneezing. Cough
or sneeze into your upper sleeve when not having a tissue or handkerchief.
3. Avoid conversation in elevator or other confined public spaces. If you have
respiratory symptoms, please wear a surgical mask and keep at least 1-meter
distance when talking.
???? Stay Home if You are Sick
1. If you develop flu-like symptoms (e.g. fever, running nose, sore throat, coughing
etc.), please stay home and get rest for more than 24 hours until your symptoms
are relieved. Do not leave your home except for seeking medical care.
2. Avoid attending public events or gatherings. Reduce contacts with others to stem
the spread of the virus.
★Preventive Measures for Apartment Complexes
???? Implement Health Communications
Promote personal hygiene practices, such as “wash your hands regularly” and
“respiratory hygiene/coughing etiquette” via posters on bulletin boards,
elevator/stair hall panels in neighborhoods, or through communication software and
broadcast systems.
???? Maintain Good Hygiene and Environmental Health of Apartment Buildings
1. Routinely clean and disinfect (at least one time a day) public spaces, frequently
touched surfaces and objects (e.g. doorknobs, handrails, restroom surfaces,
loudspeakers and knobs, buttons, air conditioning vents, floors, tables, chairs,
landline phone handsets etc.).
2. Intensify disinfection of entrance gates, stair halls and elevators in apartment
buildings. Cleaning operatives should disinfect doorknobs and elevator buttons
with diluted bleach solution during rush hours.
3. Prepare masks and hand sanitizers at the entrance. Display notice to inform
visitors who have respiratory symptoms to wear a surgical mask, sanitize hands,
and keep at least 1-meter social distance from others.
4. Temporarily close public areas such as indoor playgrounds and multifunctional
rooms in a complex.
5. Maintain entrance and exit management and comply with a visitor registration
policy. It would be better to set up a fixed location for delivery drivers and goods
How to make a diluted household bleach solution
Materials: household bleach & cold water
Mix 20 cc household bleach (about 1 cap, 5% concentrated liquid) with
2,000 cc cold water to make a 0.05% diluted bleach solution.
1. Soak a cloth or a mop in the diluted bleach solution, and then wipe
frequently-touched surfaces and objects in public areas.
2. Leave the surfaces and objects wet for 15 mins, and then use another clean
wet cloth or mop to wipe off bleach residues.
Mark the prepared diluted bleach solution with date and time. Use
the solution within 24 hours after preparation. Before disposing of
the unused mixed bleach, add more cold water for further dilution,
and pour it down in a sink or an outdoor drain.