I. Preventive Measures
- Before school starts
1) For parents, please look after your child’s health: if your child has a fever, you should inform the homeroom teacher/advisor so the school can assess health conditions of all students in the same class. The sick child should stay home and avoid going out.
2) For schools, please promote COVID-19 prevention messages with news tickers, websites, multimedia bulletin boards, emails and social media.
3) Identify travel or contact history of students, faculty and staff (including contingent workers and adjunct lecturers) on campus.
4) Assess critical gaps in resources and get prepared. Maintain reasonable stocks of face masks, forehead/ear thermometers, alcohol, hand soaps and other cleaning products should they be needed. - During school time
1) Set checkpoints for body temperature measurement at entrances and exits of campus, and monitor body temperature of all faculty, staff and students on campus.
2) Wash hands regularly and use respiratory hygiene/cough etiquette.
3) Homeroom teachers or lecturers should pay attention to health conditions of students.
4) Clean and disinfect schools. School staff should disinfect regularly touched surfaces with diluted bleach solution on a daily basis (after school or before the first class the next day).
5) Maintain good ventilation in classrooms.
6) If any of your faculty, staff and students have signs and symptoms suggestive of COVID-19, call the Dept. of Health, Taipei City Government epidemic prevention line (+886-2-2375-3782) or the Taiwan CDC toll-free hotline 1922 for medical assistance. If there is an infection cluster, your school should report information to the Campus Security Report Center (CSRC) and the Taipei City School-based communicable disease reporting system.
(Posters made by Taipei Municipal XiSong Senior High School)
II. Standards for Implementing School Closure
- According to the Standards for the Suspension of Classes related to COVID-19 issued by the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC), a suspension will be applied in the following situations:
1) If there is one faculty member or student confirmed with COVID-19 in one class, the class will be suspended for 14 days.
2) If there are two or more confirmed cases in one school, the school will be suspended for 14 days.
3) If one-third of schools in one district are dismissed, all schools in the district will be suspended. - When a confirmed person with COVID-19 has been on campus
1) Take attendance accurately: for better contact tracing, schools should monitor and track student absence from classes (including elective courses, club activities etc.).
2) Suspend all large group gatherings such as student activities, sports days etc., and avoid mixing between classes and grades.
3) Create instructions for suspending/resuming classes and scheduling make-up classes: please refer to the standard operating procedure for schools to suspend/resume classes related to COVID-19.